of Fire Protection Engineers - The purpose of the Society
is to advance the science and practice of fire protection
engineering and its allied fields, to maintain a high ethical
standard among its members and to foster fire protection
engineering education.
International, with more than 33,000 members, is the
preeminent international organization for professionals
responsible for security, including managers and directors
of security.
Industry Association (SIA) - Provides its members with
a full-service, international trade association promoting
growth, expansion, and professionalism within the security
industry by providing education, research, technical standards,
representation, and defense of our member's interests.
Security Association (CANASA) - Represents the interests
of the electronic security alarm industry and helps dealers,
distributors, manufacturers and monitoring companies across
Canada succeed in business.
Association of Professional Security Consultants, the
most widely recognized and respected organization of independent
security consultants since 1984.